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Diapers, Disasters & Dealing with it!

Stroller obsessions, instant pot recipes, playdates and more. My daily life with two littles and a grumpy little dog are filled with poop, spit up and tantrums.

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S'mores Crispy Treats

One of my favorite things about summer is everything s'mores! My favorite frozen s'mores beverage is back, campfires with the real thing...

Sleep Training

What a controversial topic! The baby caught a cold from his big sister which took a little over 2 weeks to shake and turned into a double...

The Haakaa

I have had a knock-off Haakaa breast pump since my older was a baby and loved it. I used to use it every afternoon after work to get an...

Parenting other people's children?

We went with some friends to a small children's museum this morning. When we got there it was a little crowded in the main room. Most of...

Ear and Sinus Infection Paradise

It all starts innocently as a little bit of a runny nose with one of us. Then before we know it, we are all sick. Fast forward three...

vegan bechamel recipe

At our house, we live kosher style, which means I don't buy strictly kosher products, but I try my best to keep milk and meat separate...

The dreaded first day.

There's always a little anxiety the night before the first day of anything. You know the feeling when you are trying to get to sleep and...

Naps - the struggle is real

Right now we have two very different nap situations going on. The 3 year old is transitioning to no nap, but still needs a nap and the...

My first blog post - Attempting a Target Run.

It shouldn't be this hard. Thinking back to the podcast I started listening to a few weeks ago on parenting with love; are there any tips...

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Baby Playing with Building Blocks
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