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Naps - the struggle is real

Updated: May 4, 2019

Right now we have two very different nap situations going on. The 3 year old is transitioning to no nap, but still needs a nap and the baby fights his naps or wakes up the second I put him down.

Now that the weather is nicer out, we are trying to get outside and enjoy some sun and fresh air in the afternoons to distract us from not napping. It is great to release some energy and catch a little warmth from the spring afternoon sun. But, there is always a timing conflict. Baby always starts to fall asleep or is desperate to sleep when we want to go out. Also we've found out he mostly hates strollers. So he won't fall asleep peacefully in a stroller while we play. This is crushing for me, since I have a slight stroller obsession and a rather large collection. More about that some other time.

So what do we do? Most days I focus on the older one and just make it work with a short nap for the baby or just holding him in the carrier asleep while we draw on the driveway with chalk. This leads to the dreaded Mom Guilt! Is he getting enough daytime sleep? Is this going to cause permanent damage to his sleep patterns? Will he ever nap in his crib?

If I could nap whenever and wherever I wanted, life would just be so much more pleasant. Why don't the babies realize this?

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