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Ear and Sinus Infection Paradise


It all starts innocently as a little bit of a runny nose with one of us. Then before we know it, we are all sick. Fast forward three weeks and this little innocent cold is still going strong. We usually go through a box or two of tissues and then it is over. This one is different. It has turned into a stinky ear infection with a lot of sleep-less nights and chasing the fever with alternating meds as well as the beginnings of another sinus infection for me. Since just about every form of medicine is forbidden while breastfeeding, it is especially hard to prevent and recover from these. There has to be a better way to avoid everyone getting sick all at the same time!

As I sat on the couch last night at 5:30 PM, with the 3-year old napping upstairs and the baby sleeping in my lap (needing a tissue, a bathroom break and a sip of water), I long for the days when I was sick and I would email my boss and just camp out on the couch for a marathon of Friends or some other sitcom requiring minimal mental capacity. Yes, if you were wondering, a nap from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM does turn into a 11:00 PM bedtime and no thankfully I didn't stay up with her this time.

So why is this paradise? Well even though we get sick a lot from the kids, these are colds of love and sharing. We share the good and the bad!

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